Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Is the Dem Congress Criminally Insane?

Is the Dem Congress Criminally Insane?

By Rob Kall

This coming year will be a time when the damage Bush and Cheney have done so far will seem miniscule, compared to what they can and will do if allowed to continue running the US into the ground.

In the SC debate, yesterday, the DEM candidates agreed that Bush has been incredibly destructive.

Failure to impeach and quickly end the occupation will send the US into an irreversible nosedive.

The world is entering a time of chaos. It will be a time of fluctuations-- in power, finance, alliances, war...

Many things will not be as they seem.

The next year, with such massive instability, will be a time of great danger to the middle class. If you are afraid, you have good justification.

This coming year will be a time when the damage Bush and Cheney have done so far will seem miniscule, compared to what they can and will do if allowed to continue running the US into the ground.

Today, to intervene, hoping to damp the expected crash that the rest of the world experienced yesterday, the Fed cut a key interest rate 3/4s of a point. We still see, an hour into the market day, the market down 350 points-- with a massive rate cut. The Bush/Cheney administration is clueless and don't have any answers. It's not suprising, since they have made appointments based on loyalty, not competence.

In the SC debate, yesterday, the candidates agreed that Bush has been incredibly destructive.

Hillary said, "We will inherit a huge amount of damage from President Bush." and Obama said, "When you look at Bush and Cheney and what they've done for us... They have given their party a very bad name. "

It is criminally insane for the congress to allow Bush and Cheney to continue, without holding impeachment hearings. The candidates, at least the Democratic candidates, should be challenged on impeachment at every opportunity. "If you know the damage Bush and Cheney are doing to the nation, why are you not supporting impeachment?"

It is screamingly obvious that the war in Iraq is siphoning off, sucking out the spine of our economy and without those funds, we are hurting.

It is time for the Democrats in congress to stand up to the failed, incompetent, but loud-mouthed right wing financial, economic, military incompetents who have led our country to the brink of ruin. If Pelosi and Reid fail to take action now, they should be drummed out of congress. They have a historic opportunity to rescue America. Waiting a year, until the next president is inaugurated is far too long. They must act courageously, now.

It is essential that the democrats in congress get the message that simple tax breaks are not going to ingratiate them to the public. Simple tax breaks will not persuade the public that the congress has a handle on the economic problems we face. On the contrary, people see this as a weak, shallow, meaningless, almost insulting gesture.

The way the congress can help America is to get Cheney, then Bush out, and put someone in who can function competently and intelligently-- maybe James Baker. Yes, he is a Republican. But he is competent and it is not possible to put a Democrat in. That will have to wait.

If congress begins impeachment hearings... HEARINGS, not votes... in short order, Cheney will be forced to resign and he will be replaced and Bush will be investigated next with impeachment hearings. The hearings will force Bush to resign and the congress will be in a position to get things done. Republicans who were blocking solutions will be forced to cooperate to save their jobs.

The democrats in congress got together and agreed that they would reject impeachment with the excuse that it would keep them from getting things done. That is a lie and it must be called a lie, to legislators' faces. They must be aggressively challenged on it, so they no longer feel safe or comfortable using it, insulting we the people with it.

The idea of George Bush, a failure at everything he has touched in his life, at the helm when we face such economic cataclysm is horrific. Cheney is a predatory parasite, not a leader who can solve our problems or rescue our economy. They are both criminals many times over and it is time, beyond time for them to be ejected from office and replaced. America deserves better than them and the congress has a responsibility to make it happen as soon as possible.

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