Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Blaming Bush Recession On Bill

Blaming Bush Recession On Bill
By Kelley Kramer
Jul 25, 2002

I am so sick of these lying Republicans trying to blame the Bush Recession on Bill Clinton. The last year should convince anyone that Republicans are the most pathetic 'blamers' of all-time.

Doesn't it figure that the same people who always screw up our economy always blame other people for their actions? The word 'accountability' is NOT in any Republican dictionary! Here's something we can do:

Remind Republicans this is not America's first Bush recession. Going by the current Republicans spin, was the first Bush recession Ronald Reagan's fault? Ask them who they blame for the Reagan recession of '82-'83? What about the Ford recession? Or the Nixon recession? Were those Bill Clinton's fault too?

The stock market has gone down more under Bush than anyone, including Herbert Hoover. Is that Clinton's fault? Do they blame Bill for Hoover's lousy record? Was the Reagan stock market crash of 1987 Bill Clinton's fault?

What about Reagan's and George Bush's exploding deficits and bankrupt government? Was that Clinton's fault or Reagan's and George Bush's? Clinton closed the borrow and spend gap and gave us huge surpluses, which Bush II wasted.

Its obvious, Republicans and GW Bush do not believe in PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! Remind those pathetic blamers who can't balance a budget or build an economic plan that Bill Clinton led us to the longest and strongest economic expansion in the entire history of the Unites States of America!

You know what else? That finger Republicans are pointing around to blame Clinton for Bush's screw-ups? When Clinton was president we held that finger straight up in the air, because back when Bill was prez we were number ONE!!

Here's Mike's Easy Economics Lesson:

Back in the Clinton / Gore years, unemployment was going DOWN. Before then, with Bush I it was going UP. Today, with Bush II it's going UP AGAIN. During the Clinton / Gore years the stock market and the economy were going UP. Before then they were going DOWN, and today they're going DOWN AGAIN! During the Clinton / Gore years, our debt was going DOWN. Before then it was going UP, and now it's going UP AGAIN!

So, to recap: During the Clinton / Gore years, all the things we needed to go up went up, and all the things we needed to go down went down. It was good. But during the Bush years -- Bush the Wimp and Bush the Chimp -- things we wanted to go up went down, and things we wanted to go down went up. That's bad.

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