Saturday, April 05, 2008

Gay Paper: Obama Refuses To Talk With Gay Media

Gay Paper: Obama Refuses

To Talk With Gay Media

The Huffington Post

The Philadelphia Gay News is hammering Barack Obama for what they say is his consistent refusal to speak to gay media outlets.
In its latest issue, the paper features a front-page interview with Hillary Clinton and a large blank space under a photo of Barack Obama, with a banner headline reading, "Clinton Talks, Obama Balks."
The paper's accompanying editorial states:
At this point in the Democratic presidential campaign, we're able to view the candidates by their actions. And we have found that Sen. Barack Obama would rather talk at the LGBT community than with them...

The fact is that Obama has spoken with the gay press only twice, and one of those interviews...was in 2004, before he became a U.S. senator. The other limited interview occurred after controversy erupted when his campaign added an anti-gay minister to his tour of the South. It has now been 1,522 days since Obama has been accessible to our community.
You can read the full interview with Clinton here, and CBS News' coverage here. Queerty has more.

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