Saturday, July 15, 2006

CIA hid key info on 9/11 thugs

New Yorker Magazine: CIA hid key info on 9/11 thugs

Monday, July 03, 2006 - 02:09 PMPosted by: khence

BY DEREK ROSE -- DAILY NEWS -- Monday, July 3rd, 2006 The feds bungled a key opportunity to possibly nix the 9/11 terror plot, it was reported yesterday. An Arabic-speaking FBI agent had requested information about a Jan. 5, 2000, Al Qaeda meeting in Malaysia, but the CIA never turned it over, The New Yorker reported. The ambitious FBI detective, Ali Soufan, was so upset when he eventually got the information - after 9/11 - that he vomited. Soufan, who had been investigating the 2000 attack on the U.S. Navy destroyer Cole that killed 17 sailors, realized the two plots were linked. "And if the CIA had not withheld information from him he likely would have drawn the connection months before Sept. 11," The New Yorker reported.

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