Tuesday, July 25, 2006


It's time to repeal the President's Iraq War Powers
by Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey, Mon Jul 24, 2006 at 08:12:15 PM EST

Bumped. This is even something Democratic hawks should get behind. Many have repeatedly said how they thought the war in Iraq was a good idea, but have been revolted by Bush's handling of the war. So, I say, revoke his authority to screw it up. Besides, this is also a matter of trust. After three and a half years, can anyone still trust Bush to use our military in a proper fashion? It is time to revoke his authority to conduct this war, and it is time for Congress to take back its constitutional role on matters of war and peace--Chris

On October 11, 2002, the Congress, over the objections of many Members of the House and Senate, passed legislation giving the President the authority to use force in Iraq. At the time I was a vocal critic of the war, but unfortunately my voice, as well as thousands of others, was drowned out by misinformation from the administration.

In making its case, the administration threatened us that if we didn't act fast, the proof of Saddam's Weapons of Mass Destruction would "come in the form of a mushroom cloud." We were also told that the case against the war, and the evidence of a weapons' program was, "a slam dunk." Now, three and a half years later, the American public knows what many of us believed all along, that this administration, and our president, misled us about the case to go to war.

Six months after we invaded Iraq, President Bush stood aboard an aircraft carrier before a banner that read "Mission Accomplished," declaring that "major combat operations in Iraq are over." From that moment on, we were no longer fighting a war, but rather participating in an occupation.

-Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA)
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