Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Dr Kevorkian is Alive and Well and Living in the White House.

Dr Kevorkian is Alive and Well and Living in the White House. Escalation of Troops in Iraq is Not a Political Act; It is Murder.


How many years and lies ago was it that Bush stood on the deck of an aircraft carrier – as part of a perfectly choreographed Rovian media "money shot" moment – and declared that major combat operations in Iraq were over and that the "mission" had been accomplished?

How many years ago, how many deaths ago, how many catastrophic injuries ago, how many billions of dollars ago was that?

How many lies and shifting story lines and excuses for bungling, corruption, ineptitude, war profiteering and psychiatric problems ago was that?

How many years ago was it that Bush – doing his John Wayne macho imitation – declared that he was going to get Osama "dead or alive"?

The corporate media is still by and large giving this madness a free ride. Their major corporate cultural goal of ensuring no political repercussions to their bottom line ensures that they won’t rock the boat by denouncing the insanity and criminality of escalating a lost war. They too are accessories to murders.

Because real American GIs will die as a result of Bush’s soon-to-come escalation of the war decision. These will be men and women with real names and families, from America’s towns and cities who will be killed as a result of this political decision, which is really a criminal act – because it is a death sentence given to Americans in the military to achieve the personal, political, and corporate profiteering goals of Bush, Cheney and Rove.

Recently we watched "The U.S. vs. John Lennon" to review it as a premium for BuzzFlash. We were stunned by how similarly Nixon escalated the Vietnam War under the pretext of ending it. He too promised that the South Vietnamese forces were being successfully trained to take over the duties of the American GIs as a pretext for increasing the number of American troops who were sent to die in that God forsaken, mistaken conflict. Nixon too secretly extended the war into neighboring nations – in defiance of Congress – and thus unleashed the murderous regime of Pol Pot. All this was done in the name of not letting "a victory by the enemy" inflict a mortal blow to American national security.

Not long ago, Bush traveled to Vietnam for some photo ops. He inexplicably declared that the evolution of Vietnam into a quasi-capitalist nation was a lesson that justified the Iraq War. The mainstream media, of course, did not question the perplexing and mystifying analogy to the Iraq War.

Because, of course, Vietnam became a major cheap labor market for multi-national corporations only years after Gerald Ford withdrew U.S. forces from that nation. The Vietnam analogy can only lead to one conclusion, and not the misleading one that Bush made. What it means is that we should get the Hell out of Iraq now if we want a resolution to the conflict.

Who knows, maybe in 10 years Nike and Coca-Cola can start exploiting workers in Iraq if we withdraw our troops?

But common sense, accountability, and competence were long ago abandoned by the corporate media as standards by which to judge the sociopathic Bush – and his Machiavellian ventriloquists: Mr. Cheney and Mr. Rove.

The real Jack Kevorkian is still in jail, but his spirit haunts America in the actions of George W. Bush.

These are men who love death too much, who get some erotic thrill out of sending people off to die.

Kevorkian was sent to jail.

Why is Bush treated in any other way?

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