Sunday, January 21, 2007

Page Six claims Albany Democrats worried about 'closet cases'

Page Six claims Albany Democrats worried about 'closet cases' Ron BrynaertPublished: Sunday January 21, 2007

According to a popular gossip column in a New York City tabloid, Democratic lawmakers in upstate New York are worried about "closet cases" in the ranks.
"Albany pols are concerned because one of the possible candidates to succeed state Comptroller Alan Hevesi is said to be a closeted homosexual," claims The New York Post's Page Six. "The Democratic majority in the Assembly will pick Hevesi's replacement, probably from their own ranks."

Hevesi, also a former Democratic Assemblyman for the state of New York from 1968 to 1993, resigned last month after pleading guilty to a felony charge for defrauding the government. The former Comptroller - for New York City before serving one term for the stae - had made use of state resources to help care for his ailing wife, along with other personal usages.

The column from the daily newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch continues, "'Though they would appoint an openly gay candidate, they worry about someone in the closet,' one Dem told Page Six. "After the Hevesi fiasco, they want honesty, and worry about the pressures involved for a statewide official to remain in the closet." They point to what happened to New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey, who was forced to resign when his secret came out."

Two-and-a-half years ago, the married McGreevey resigned after revealing to the world that he was a "gay American." The former Democratic governor claimed that he was being blackmailed by his former homeland security advisor Golan Cipel who reportedly was asking for $5 million not to file a sexual harrassment suit. After McGreevey "came out," Cipel denied that the two had ever engaged in any "romantic affair."

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